> 文章列表 > 在美国能吃到元宵吗英语





文/英语老师刘江华 元宵节必须要吃的一道美食就是汤圆,在上一个问答我分享了元宵节相关的英文表达lantern festival,也可以说yuanxiao Festival,灯笼可以说lan。

在英国,汤圆这个美食通常被称为\"glue pudding\" 或者 \"Tang-yuan\"。而且甜味的汤圆也可以称为\"sweet dumplings\"。这些英文表达都能准确地表达出中国汤圆的含义。在英美国家,汤圆已经变得越来越受欢迎,很多餐馆和超市都有售,所以在美国能够轻松找到可口的汤圆。

我们一般吃汤圆,放风筝.的英文翻译,5分钟内的好的再 10分...

在中国,元宵节不仅是吃汤圆,还有放风筝的习俗。在英语中,我们可以表达为\"We usually eat glue pudding and fly kites.\" 这句话能够准确地传达出我们新年的tradition。另外,汤圆的英文表达可以是\"tang-yuan\"或者\"sweet dumplings\"。所以,在英美国家也能够欢度一个中国传统的元宵节。


Dear Bob, The Spring Festival is coming. It is the most traditional festival for the Chinese people. During this festival, people eat a lot of delicious food, such as dumplings and tangyuan. Dumplings are made of wheat flour and filled with different kinds of stuffing, like meat or vegetables. Tangyuan are sweet, glutinous rice balls with various fillings, such as sesame paste or red bean paste. These traditional foods are not only tasty but also have cultural significance. They bring families together to celebrate and enjoy the festival. The Spring Festival is a time for families to reunite, exchange gifts, and wish for a prosperous and happy new year. It is a joyful and lively celebration that is cherished by Chinese people all around the world. I hope you can visit China one day and experience the festive atmosphere of the Spring Festival firsthand. Best wishes, Li Hua



- 元旦(New Year\'s Day)

- 春节(Spring Festival;Chinese New Year)

- 情人节(Valentine\'s Day)

- 圣帕特里克节(St. Patrick\'s Day)

- 清明节(Tomb-Sweeping Day)

- 劳动节(Labor Day)

- 国庆节(National Day)



- 元旦1月1日(New Year\'s Day)

- 成人节日本1月15日(Adults\' Day)

- 情人节2月14日(St. Valentine\'s Day)

- 圣帕特里克节3月17日(St. Patrick\'s Day)

- 万圣节10月31日(Halloween)

- 圣诞节12月25日(Christmas)



- 元旦1月1日(New Year\'s Day)

- 全国爱耳日3月3日(National Ear Care Day)

- 情人节2月14日(Valentine\'s Day)

- 世界湿地日2月2日(World Wetlands Day)

- 国际妇女节3月8日(International Women\'s Day)

- 国际劳动节5月1日(International Labour Day)



- These postcards are great!(这些明信片太棒了!)

- Tell me more about the Great Wall.(告诉我更多关于长城的信息)

- How do you make a pizza?(你怎么做披萨?)

- I want to be a doctor when I grow up.(我长大后想当一名医生)


One possible version:

Dear Mary, I want to tell you that many students have the same problems as you. They are curious about Chinese traditions and cultural festivals. One of the most important traditional festivals in China is the Lantern Festival, also known as the Yuanxiao Festival. It is celebrated on the 15th day of the first lunar month, which is usually in February or March. During this festival, people light up lanterns, watch lion and dragon dances, and eat delicious food called tangyuan. Tangyuan are sweet rice dumplings filled with different kinds of stuffing, like sesame paste or red bean paste. They symbolize reunion and good luck. The Lantern Festival is a time for families and friends to come together, enjoy lantern displays, and have a joyful celebration. I hope this information helps you understand the significance of the Lantern Festival in China. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask. Best regards, Li Hua



- 元旦(the Spring Festival 或 Chinese New Year\'s Day)

- 除夕(New Year\'s Eve)

- 正月(lunar January)

- 初一(the beginning of the lunar year)

